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physical therapy start up costs in texasStarting a physical therapy practice requires careful financial planning, and securing funding is a crucial aspect of the process.

Here are several potential avenues to explore:

Business Loans

Consider applying for a business loan from a bank or financial institution. Traditional lenders may offer term loans or lines of credit that can be used to cover startup costs, including leasing space, purchasing equipment, and initial operating expenses.

Government Grants & Programs

Explore government grants or programs that support small businesses in the healthcare sector. Depending on your location and eligibility criteria, there may be grants or low-interest loans available to help fund your physical therapy practice.

Small Business Administration (SBA) Loans

cost to start up a physical therapy practiceThe Small Business Administration provides various loan programs designed to assist small businesses. SBA loans often come with favorable terms and may be used for purposes such as purchasing equipment and covering startup costs.

Private Investors or Partnerships

Seek private investors or consider forming partnerships with individuals interested in supporting your venture. Investors may provide capital in exchange for equity or a share of the business profits.

Professional Practice Loans

Some financial institutions specialize in providing loans specifically for healthcare professionals, including physical therapists. These loans may have terms tailored to the unique needs of healthcare practices.

Equipment Financing

A significant portion of your startup costs will be related to purchasing equipment and IT hardware/ software. Explore equipment financing options. Some companies specialize in providing financing specifically for healthcare equipment and IT hardware/ software.


Before pursuing any funding option, it’s essential to create a comprehensive business plan outlining your practice’s goals, financial projections, and repayment strategies. Consult with financial advisors or business consultants to ensure you make informed decisions based on your specific circumstances and the requirements of your physical therapy practice.

Contact Us Today

Contact GM Therapy Solutions today! We can help steer you in the right direction for your funding, consult with you on your new practice, orĀ  get an equipment quote for you! Call us today!

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