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essential physical therapy equipment

People always ask us – What are the essential physical therapy equipment devices I need to start a physical therapy practice?

Starting a physical therapy practice requires careful consideration of essential equipment to provide comprehensive and effective patient care. The specific needs may vary based on the focus of your practice and specialty.

Here is a list of essential physical therapy equipment devices to consider:

  • Treatment Tables
  • Modalities and Electrotherapy Devices
  • Rehabilitation and Exercise Equipment
  • Range of Motion Tools
  • Balance and Stability Tools
  • Traction Devices
  • Heat and Cold Therapy
  • Diagnostic Tools
  • Functional Assessment Tools
  • Sanitation and Infection Control Supplies.

Before making any purchases, it’s crucial to assess the specific needs of your practice, the patient population you plan to serve, and any specialty areas you may focus on. Consulting with equipment specialists can also provide valuable insights tailored to your practice’s unique requirements.

Reach out to GM Therapy Solutions today to get a consultation that gets your practice off on the right foot! We offer –

New Clinic Consultation

White Glove Delivery

Equipment Calibration

Trade In Equipment

Discover why we are so highly recommended today!

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